VAdm Mark Norman

Board Advisor


Mark Norman, a 39-year veteran of uniformed service to Canada, retired from the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) as a Vice-Admiral (VADM) in 2019. He now serves as a Board Advisor for the Policy Insights Forum.

As Senior Defence Strategist at Samuel Associates, VADM Norman looks forward to helping clients achieve their full potential in supporting the defence and security of Canadians.

His military career has seen him serve at sea domestically and internationally, command a warship, the Atlantic Fleet and ultimately the Royal Canadian Navy. VADM Norman also has extensive experience in training sailors, supporting operations, strategic planning, managing major procurement projects, institutional leadership, and organizational change.

VADM Norman is motivated by dynamic organizations that see value in people, seek continuous improvement and contribute positively to society. He holds a degree in Economics from Queens University and is also a graduate of several professional education programs, including executive leadership courses with the US Armed Forces. He has been awarded several medals and commendations over his four-decade-long career, including the Order of Military Merit and the US Legion of Merit.

VADM Norman is now applying his energy and passion to new challenges such as contributing to the national defence and security discourse as a Fellow of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, helping sailors, veterans and their families as the Champion of RCN Benevolent Fund and consulting and mentoring.

Biographie (Français)